Namasté - Emme in White Dress on Beach

Welcome to Emme Yoga

Emme Yoga is the essence of my evolution over almost three decades of studying and teaching movement in body, mind, and spirit. It is founded on a blend of Yoga’s traditional principles, modern scientific approaches to training, mental balance, and emotional stability. And the countless lessons I have and still am learning on my personal journey in life.

My mission for Emme Yoga is to serve individuals interested in diving deeper into what it means to live life with purpose, radiance, meaning, and joy.

This is a space to share our stories; to learn and study together; to ask the questions that go beyond the surface of what we usually encounter and dig even deeper to find the answers; to celebrate our passion for life, movement, training and the practice of Yoga; to challenge our comfort zone physically, mentally and emotionally; and to learn to connect to the Higher Self within us.

May we awaken to live life with curious awareness.

May we be inspired to keep learning and growing without end.

May we joyfully and bravely do the work to get to know and love ourselves.

May we learn to become still and peaceful within ourselves.

And may we, as a result, live our lives with authenticity and without regrets.

Be warmly invited to explore this website and all it has to offer — from my heart to yours. I am looking forward to hearing your stories and experiences.

There is no ‘other time’ than NOW.
